Montag, 27. Februar 2012

Every start is hard....ICEA


yesterday was interview day!

As you know I participated ICEA (International culture exchange activity) last semester. This semester my bro Dawoon asked me if I could help him (He is the official leader this time) with the foreigners in this ICEA. Of course I agreed to help him. The first appointment was the interview day. It was crazy. There were 200 resumes to read for Dawoon and the other Korean team members (The leader team behind Dawoon is composed of five Koreans and for the first time in ICEA history two foreigners (me and Melissa(she is from the US))). After selecting 100 replications we started to interview all of them.

We had to get out of bed so early to go to university. We prepared the room, hang up some signs and of course waited for the key.... Always the same in Korea.... Waiting for the key....
Here waiting....

But before Dawoon and me had korean breakfast....

But with just 10 min delay we started to interview the people. There were more or less 10 people at the same time in the interview room. We asked questions in english and in korean, so they could show their best in both languages).

After the first 40 people we had lunch... Jinny joined us for lunch, which I really appreciated!

After hours of asking and listening we finished at 5pm. 

And of course than the real fun started! We had to select. Honestly it was really hard and really difficult. There were really many good people and of course really bad people. 

But an unexpected difficulty was the way the team chose the people. Because Melissa and me understood just half of the interview. So we just made our decision based on the english answers. The Koreans knew everything they told us.... so they could decide a little bit better....kkkk

Afterwards we finished the day by having korean BBQ in a very famous place. (The floor was not a real floor.... just kind of canvas on just chips and rubbish....)

All in all a very successful day!

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