Sonntag, 12. Februar 2012

Korean Gays!


I know that it has been a while since I posted something, but as you know I have to work all day long in the laboratory. So there is not really so much time for new experiences. But I do my best to make some....

In these days I wondered about what kind of life do korean gay people live... I know its not interesting for everybody, but maybe some of you wanna read about it.... It is not so much fun in the end...
(just 2pm members, no gay commercial)

I think everybody knows, that there are plenty of gay-websites in europe and america, but searching in Korea for kind of platform is pretty depressing. After a long time googleling and navering I just found about four websites, two in korean two in english (just one especially for Korea).

I think today the internet is the most common way for gay people to meet. Of course besides the clubs and bars. In germany are so many bars and clubs that you really have to choose which one may be your favorite. You can choose the location, the music and sometimes you can choose the people. I know sounds crazy, but there are always like stereotypes in every bar, so you can choose your favorite stereotype...kkkk

I heard, that in Busan is kind of a gay street, but I never went there... Maybe because everybody who I talked to tells me that it is soooo fucked up... but maybe I should give it a try...

Anyway, after research I thought about meeting korean gay people. Because I wanted to talk to them.

But before telling about them I could mention, that there is kind of ignorance in Korea when it comes to gay people...
I could tell you a million examples, but I think two or three are enough to show that Koreans are not homophobic, but I think they feel very uncomfortable to think about. So "it" doesn't exist....

When I met up with the global tutoring girls we talked about music. They told me that they love the UK's former hit maker "Blue". Especially the big white guy, Duncan. They really started to rave about him... so I told them that they don't have to fall in love with him, because he is gay. Their comments: "No comment" they really stopped talking from the one to the next second and so the meeting was done...

Even all the Korean guys tell me "Awww you are handsome"... Of course I like it, who wouldn't... but most of the time they tell me... hey but I am not gay... like they are afraid of being related to gays.

But thats okay...much more exiting are the stories the gay guys told me I met.

Sometimes I was really sorry for them, I don't know why... they are not close to me, but maybe because I can understand how they feel....

One guy told me, that he would loose his job if he would tell at work, that he is gay... even if there are anti-discrimination laws in Korea.
So he would not get fired... he would be bullied till he quits... Thats so crazy in a developed country...

The next thing is that not a single one has told anybody. Not their close friends, not their coworkers, even not their families. Because they would be cast out of the family. One guy had tears in his eyes by telling me that he really wanna tell his parents, but he is afraid, because he has to go to university and has no money to move out. I really felt so sorry for him. That moment I had to think about José, because he had to wait for such a long time to tell his mum.... but in the end everything was fine. But I don't know if it would work out in Korea.
I can imagine that feeling you have if you want to tell your most important people your biggest secret, but you can't. He told me that he often feels so lonely. I can understand, because he can't talk to anybody about his dreams, wishes and hopes. He even doesn't know anything about himself. And nobody helps him...

I thought maybe they are just too afraid to tell.... but maybe the Korean society is not poised for accepting other ways to live. What is very sad...

But besides all the bad stuff I told you there are really very open minded people in Korea I met. I never had problems in Korea. Maybe because of my very good friends over here. I think that there is a new generation growing up in Korea, so maybe in 10-15 years all the stuff I wrote about is just nonsense....

So, young generation, be nice to the gay koreans....

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