Samstag, 31. März 2012

ICEA - Museum time!


today was another ICEA activity... honestly I didn't expected so much... but I was positively surprised!

We went to the Busan museum... maybe you remember, that I have been there month ago and it was closed, because it was monday (museum holiday day in korea). So I was happy to go there finally.
We planned some different activities and I really can recommend them. Even we were in a museum it was quiet exiting. But just get surprised later...

Pre- and Post Birthday!


last night was kind of special, because I met with my korean friends to celebrate two different kinds of birthday parties.... a pre party and a post party.... Post party for Yuee, she had nearly weeks ago and Youjungs Birthday, which is tomorrow.... In Germany nearly unbeliveable... in Korea common... because people getting older at the first of January... So birthday is not so important....
But in the end it was a nice night....

We started at G-1's Atlanta house.... Getting some food and free beer kkkkk Hoegaarden from Belgium... so delicious.....

Freitag, 30. März 2012



today I am a little sensitive... maybe because I listen to the mega blockbuster hit "I want it that way" (BackstreetBoys).... Every time I listen to the song I have to think about the one time my family went for holidays in the beautiful "Sauerland"! During the drive (just my mum and me in the car) we listened all the time to this song and sang along for hours....

But thats not the reason why I'm a little sensitive... I am because my family will arrive in Korea in two days...

Honestly I can't remember when all of us were together on vacation the last time. Maybe it was the trip to the Sauerland... and "I want it that way" was released in 1999! So nearly 13 years ago.... Such a long time....

Of course I am exited about the time we will spend in Korea (Busan/Jeju/Seoul), but right now it feels a little unreal.... In these days I have so much stuff to do... thats why I can't think about the visit all the time, but the time I think about I'm happy.

Yesterday Youjung asked me if I am exited about the visit... My answer was.... Sometimes..... She just laughed....kkkk

When we were young we always had great holidays with the family, but during the teenager times it was cooler to spent the time with friends... I wonder if it is the same in Korea... is it even usual to go on holiday with your friends... For one or two weeks?
Anyway, I think now being a little older it will be a really good, and for me very important kind of holiday...  I haven't seen all of them for 7 long months...

 So, I think we will rock Korea! Watch out!

That's a family!

Donnerstag, 29. März 2012



today I met with Youjung to have dinner.... in the end we had such a good time... we laughed so much, I didn't had so much fun for days...kkkkk

After having dinner we went to get some dessert! And this time it was soooo good!!!! Even better than the cupcakes, I'm so sorry James, but this time it was really so much better....

We went to Cafe "Tokyoloose" and Youjung and me got really lost in the mood of the cafe. Everywhere were little cuddle animals and there was so much little accessories... Even the return was in a very nice arrangement....

Mittwoch, 28. März 2012

Yummy! / Yuee and the gang!


I know, maybe you are bored of cupcakes... But I feel like I am visiting the place since December on and on and on again.... And today something really funny happened....

I wanted to meet James for dinner in Seomyeon, after a successful day in lecture, lab and gym...

At first I ran into Yuee in Seomyeon station... both of us were so exited...
But after dinner in the dirty chicken place James and I were not satisfied... so we went to get a cupcake...again...

While munching our cupcake and chatting I just watched out the window and guess what.... I just started to smile and started to count all the faces I know...kkkk

Suddenly Yuee, Mina, Jaehoon, Natasha, Leisha and Leishas cousin stepped out of the restaurant across the street....So I ran outside to greet them... James followed a little distracted...kkk

Sonntag, 25. März 2012

German BBQ!


today was the first day of the grill season.... (David told us) so all the germans and of course some foreigners...kkkk joined the german bbq.....

The plan was to grill near the mountain, in the sunshine.... but then suddenly the campus police arrived at the place we wanted to make our little fire.... they told us, that it is too dangerous.... because of the fire and the wind... maybe they should have added earth to their list... but in the end it is march and not september....

Anyway, we were supposed to find a new place... and what is better than shunshine and a nice place in nature...?!

Right, the dormitory kitchen... I really don't like the place, because it is soooo dirty!!!

Freitag, 23. März 2012

Atlanta house - G-1's family restaurant!


tonight was special night! Because we were invited to kind of restaurant opening, originally it was a pre-openenig....
It will open on monday, the 26th of March, so next monday.... go and check it out!!!!

It is near PNU... go from PNU subway straight to PNU, if you pass the last street turn to the right.... its near "basement" and "Tomato"!

Dienstag, 20. März 2012

Korean food reloaded!


today I met with Youjung in Seomyeon again, because we haven't seen for two days...kkkk

We thought about a lot of food, because we were so hungry... At first we thought about chicken, of course.... But after a little walk she pushed me into a traditional korean restaurant....

And I was really surprised about the huge amount of food we got for 7.000Won each person....

So if you wanna go and get some delicious korean food for not so much money.... This place is very good!

We got fish, meat, radish, salad, and and and and......

Check it out.....

Montag, 19. März 2012

Sunday - Just Sunday


yesterday was the perfect sunday... I did all the things you are supposed to do on any sunday... Just sleeping, TV, eating and cupcakes.... I felt a little kind of routine in this sunday....kkkk

I met James at 4pm in Seomyeon. We started with dinner/lunch=dunch! 

He introduced a new restaurant to me... which was really nice! You can choose between different kind of meat and vegetables and they cook it for you.... on your table....  what a nice service! kkkk

Sonntag, 18. März 2012

Gaonnuri - Welcome to the new leaders!


yesterday was a big Gaonnuri celebration day... this organization welcomed the new leaders of all the groups.... ICEA, IEC, english translation, japanese translation, UNICEF and so on....

So I had been invited and of course the other ICEA leader. Some members joined to support us.

We met 2pm at Donguie university, where I have never been before. But as I was told it is in the top ten of the most beautiful universities of korea.

So we went to a big room and there the action took place.

At first some Gaonnuri leader made some speeches, what was quiet boring to me, because I didn't understood everything. Next my friend Yongmok was the show master and even if I didn't understand everything it was quiet funny. There were lots of jokes I really liked!
Here during the moderation!
First the leaders leader of the smaller organizations got their certificates. That they are accepted by Gaonnuri as a leader.

New shirt! New hair!


after living in the laboratory for long 24h I needed lots of sleep to recover.... and honestly I'm not recovered yet.... I feel a little weak, but I hope, that I will get better till Monday...because there is laboratory time again...

Anyway, maybe I can tell you about my last days of the week....

first of all I met after my sleeping day (thursday) Youjung.... for shopping.... I really didn't wanted to buy me something.... it was Youjung's time.... but the shirt was so amazing... and it was kind of my Youjung and me bought new stuff....

 Like I said, just "kind of my size".....

Freitag, 16. März 2012

Military time!


and yes it is anjong in german pronunciation!

Yesterday I met with my two heartthrobs Youjung and Dawoon! Of course, this is not so special for you, but this time there was something interesting....

Dawoon put his military uniform on! He looked very manly and very authoritative!

Donnerstag, 15. März 2012

Thursday is Fermentation Day!


today was a veeeery long day..... I know that you guys think, that we are not working here in Korea, or at the laboratory.... but today is really freaky...

We have to take our practical course for BRT/BVT... Soooo interesting......not...

So after a boring day yesterday we started with the fermentation today. In the beginning it was pretty cool, because the "super master of fermentation" at dongseo burned his hand twice, while pretending to be cool...

Mittwoch, 14. März 2012

Newsflash! - Newspaper!


after hitting Koreans biggest TV channel my next aim was the newspaper.... And I was successful!

Some time I wrote an essay for my university`s website... and two weeks ago Dan from the International office called me to tell me, that a big Busan newspaper (Busan Ilbo)wants to publish my essay....

And yesterday was the big day!

I sent them a very nice picture.... but they requested my "Alien registration card" pic. So I had to send them this picture....
It is not so nice.... it is really a bad picture .....

you can check out my essay about "everything unimportant" in korean...

Check it out by clicking this....

And of course check out the beautiful commercial they put above my face....

So next media I have to conquer is the radio...kkkkk

Dienstag, 13. März 2012

Weekend completed!


just to complete the weekend schedule.... Saturday night baby.... After Hiking and makkoli house we went on having fun.... it was really kind of random night....

For me it has been a deja vu.... because we did exactly the same thing last saturday.... at the same places, but it still was so much fun!

After hiking we went to PNU again and went to the same place as last week.... to the rooftop...kkkk
Everybody had fun and everybody went on with Coju and all the games....

Montag, 12. März 2012

ICEA - The voice of ICEA


next chapter related to the last activity.....

After finishing the hiking we went to a really nice korean makkoli house.... It was just kind of marquee in the woods... A little scary....

But the korean pizza, the makkoli and the soup were really really delicious!!!! Even after the hiking!

Sonntag, 11. März 2012

ICEA - Turns active!


yesterday was the first official schedule program from ICEA 9th! 

This time it was a little bit harder than last ICEA, because we went hiking! WUHUUUU!



yesterday was ICEA time again... and of course I had to meet all the leaders before the members arrival...

Samstag, 10. März 2012

Let the games begin....


last night there was Corinnas farewell party.... because next week she will leave for germany again...

So she invited all the guys and the girls.... I think it was pretty clever to go to "Couple Chicken" because everybody loves chicken... so everybody would come!!! kkkkk

Anyway.... the night started at the chicken place, and by the way they had really really good chicken... for example chicken with coconut taste..... OMG it was soooo good!

 To my mind the seat was very nice! Next to Dawoon, Robert, Youjung and Maiko... So, good conditions for fun!

Freitag, 9. März 2012

Asia vs America vs Europe


tonight was a very busy night, really... I felt, that the whole world wanted to hang out... and in fact, nearly the whole world wanted to....
(left to right: Europe, Asia, America) kkkk

Donnerstag, 8. März 2012

ICEA - Dawoon and the gang!


tonight there was an ICEA meeting.... so I went to Seomyeon to meet Dawoon and the gang! I like this kind of leaders expression.....

But when I met Dawoon he told me, that there will be more people.... Okay.... there we go....

Montag, 5. März 2012

ICEA 9th - After hour


I know its almost 2 days ago, but I can still tell you stuff about the first ICEA meeting.... because there was an after hour...

As you know, in Berlin and other european cities it is usual, that there is a party after the party.... Because if it is 6 am in the morning and nobody wants to go home, but the guys behind the bar.... You can change to a new club with fresh staff.... There you can party the whole next day...

Sonntag, 4. März 2012

ICEA 9th - Chaotic eating


after the official part of "Orientation day" we did what koreans do best.... we went to a BBQ restaurant and spent lots of money in there. But it was worth it. Everybody had fun and everybody enjoyed his or her meal.... and of course one or two shots of Soju...

Here with my little friend... Kelly....

ICEA 9th - Orientation


yesterday was the BIG DAY! ICEA 9th has started.... I don't think, that I have to explain more about ICEA, because you have read everything about ICEA 8th.... So I think I'll start with the fun part...

Freitag, 2. März 2012

I can't wait ..... for the WEEKEND to begin!!!!


the week is done, finally!

Even it was a four day week.... I feel so exhausted.... honestly! I think because the work in the laboratory is kind of straining... I know you can sit most of the time but you have to think all the time too....kkkk


This week was of course full of laboratory work... We started the first test run for the main experiment and cultivated lots of new algae's... we even got a new agrobacterium strain.... So exiting... I started to cultivate it today.... so we can use it next week for the main MAIN experiment... He has new genes.... so exiting...

But I am sure, that you don't want to read about my bachelor thesis.... lucky you.... I also did some fun stuff this week....

Nothing special, just the usual fun stuff..... Now recapitulating the week I noticed, that I saw Dawoon or Youjung nearly every day for the last 6 days..... kkkkk