Sonntag, 4. März 2012

ICEA 9th - Orientation


yesterday was the BIG DAY! ICEA 9th has started.... I don't think, that I have to explain more about ICEA, because you have read everything about ICEA 8th.... So I think I'll start with the fun part...

I met up with the team leaders at 11:30am at PNU subway station. To have breakfast and to prepare the room. But before Dawoon and me went to a really cute cafe to get a coffee.... Of course....Now while thinking about, I am a little bit afraid, because I can't pay everyday a kind of Starbucks coffee back in Germany.... oh no.... too expensive over there......

 Whatever.... I took a few pictures in the store... 
 I wonder if there are some cafes in Busan left, you didn't see....kkkkk
 Anyway, after this monumental breakfast we prepared the room in university. As you see we had badges and banners... 
 And of course, Dawoon prepared the PowerPointPresentaion....
 First visitors were the new Korean members... and of course they were kind of late.... with 30 min delay we started...Dawoon gave a little introduction in Korean and afterwards I left with Eunhye and Jungsik Choi to get the other members, so the internationals....

 And suddenly there was a non expected face in the room... G-1 visited the introduction ceremony.... kkk
 Every group had to introduce themselves and of course Kelly hit it!

 There you see all the members.... still separated, but afterwards they had to find a it has been pretty mixed....
 After the PPP we surprised Eunhye, because it was her Bday! 
 Yummy.... nice cake!!!!!
 And two of three leftovers of ICEA 8th.... Brad and Yuee!!! I like them!
 Yes, MAIKEL! Thx Kelly, for the heart!
And last  surprise has been Youjung... No day without her kkkkk I was very happy to see her again...

This has been the first ICEA Meeting....  ORIENTATION SUCCESS!!!!

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