Dienstag, 10. April 2012

Love Land!


last night I went with my parents to a special kind of amusement park. We took the taxi to Loveland!

It is a sexual themed park. Actually I just heard just good things about it, and if you google/naver Jeju there are lots of pictures of giant penises and vaginas.... So I wanted to check it out.

It started very easy with some hearts.... 

 But the temperature rose while walking through the park.... there were so many statues you could play with... and so I did.... to the amusement of my family...
I liked this statue I think the most.... was a little bit crazy, but it was kind of real art...the Marilyn eagle!
Next to the smaller statues there was a penis... and I have to admit, it was the biggest I have ever seen.... It was a giant penis! 
Afterwards it got worse! I really never expected such things in Korea. Of course, I am happy to see, that the Koreans try to teach women kind of how to satisfy themselves.... in a playful way kkkk
I was really fascinated by so many animal dildos! Some of them were new to me!
I really would have loved to buy one of them, but these were just exhibition materials.
Now you can watch what happens behind Korean doors....
And here is the MT (Motel) and the MT (membership training) going to be mixed up...

And this is what greek love is like...kkk

Kiss, Kiss!
And here the opposite to the giant penis.... and you don't know what we found inside....
Some strange penis... the best one was the Terminator...

And still a "No go" in Korea.... but even I didn't wanted to play with the men play statues.... Thats crazy.... Just with the next one...

Got you! 

My mum thought about why or how wheel chair patients could go inside.... the how is solved now...

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