Freitag, 27. April 2012

Robert's Birthday!


yes, today is Robert's birthday! He turns 23, so korean age maybe 25...kkkk

Nearly his whole family comes to Korea to celebrate him, and of course for some sightseeing....

That is the reason, why he won't be in Busan for the next 10 days. He will leave Busan in about 6 hours by KTX to Seoul. But before he leaves we partied a little... maybe a little too hard for him...kkk

After our "control engineering 2" midterm exam Robert, Marlena and me went to "couple-chicken" and had a big amount of chicken and of course... beer... because Robert is not just the "Shuffle-King" he is also the "Beer-Baron"!
But today he was not that beer-hungry.... in the early evening...

 After our dinner we went to his room to have a little birthday party... which started with the circle of death! And this bottle of Soju.... which was empty after about 1 hour....
 At midnight I went to my refrigerator to get Roberts birthday cake.... and of course his present... you will see it later..

 He blew off all the lights t once... so his big wish will be fullfilled!!! Maybe by Pororo!
 After cake and candles we started drinking again... And as you see Robert (and of course David) had lots of fun!

 Who want to? Neer-shot!
 Okay, I think Robert killed the beer-shot!
 And yes, all the hard workout paid finally off! Little Spartacus!
 After a while there was just Pororos head as a leftover....poor bird...
 And there you see Robert's new "Nerd-outfit" I gave him as his Bday-present! I like!!!!!
So, again happy birthday and lots of fun with your family! I'll miss you in Busan...kkkk

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