Samstag, 14. April 2012

Seoul - The Soul of Asia!


my parents and my brother just left Seoul seconds ago and I am alone in the "Fully Guest House". So far so good.

The time we had in Seoul was so incredible cool! As u maybe recognized, I didn't post a thing on the blog for 3 days. That's because we did so many things in Seoul. I thought, that Seoul would be a little bit boring to me... First time with Robert, second time with John and now with my family, but I was 100% wrong!

We visited so many new places and of course savored so many new stuff! Like new cafe's, new food, new shopping malls...

 First thing I introduced to my family was the Egg-Cake (Ei-Hörnchen)! Everybody was a little bit doubtful, but everybody tried.... and everybody loved this one!

 I am a little bit jealous of all the parents in the world... I wanna buy these cute sock-shoes!
 Next thing was a "air-bread" which was filled with kind of pudding. They squeezed the pudding inside with one of these things, in germany the french fries sellers put the mayo and the ketchup onto the fries.... my mom loved it!
 Shopping is getting started! In Myeong-Dong
 Yeah, even my parents adopted the korean pose!
 My brother's favorite shop!
 And maybe my dad's most favorite shop....
 In the evening we ate some fried vegetables and drank makkoli!

 Of course we had to visit some palace's and temple's, but there was one I never have been to....Changdeokgung! This one was a nice one! And he even had a secret garden... it has been so secret, that we were not allowed o go inside on our own. And the english tour was not during the time we w3ere there... so it will be a secret forever!
 So much posing! The palace was so beautiful, that I felt like I have to take 1mill. pictures.... but in the end there were just 300....

 Maybe there was a little secret part of the secret garden...kkk
 After temple-time we walked through the streets and found the "Bremer-Stadtmusikanten"...

 And the egg-delivery service!

 As you know, turtles are little protectors.... I think this one is responsible for my parents flight back to germany!

Next palace, Gyengbokgug, was not so special for me anymore, because I have been there twice. Anyway.... picture time!

 New part of the temple: Kimchi-Factory! Yummy!!!

 And the four of us again! After temple time was finished I showed them more of the regular sightseeing places of Seoul.
 Police horses! 

 This was the best food I ever ate in Korea! It was so delicious! And even the meat was completely fat-free! Incredible!
 There were my parents in the 3.floor (korean4th floor)! It was a really nice cafe!
 After the short rest we went to the N Seoul tower.... (I was not so exited) but we went by cable car, that was new to me and showed me the tower from a new perspective!

 So cool!
 My mum got a strawberry shake from "twosome" 
 I got a jelly kkkk
 At our last night I went with my brother to Myeong-Dong again to go for some shopping....
 After seeing a half house....
 Wr went to the Shingsegae, and I found some underwear! So nice!
 Captain America was successful!

 And of course there was more tasting!
 Crazy stuff! First ice-cream, next potato-stick!
I think there were so many pictures, but I really liked all of them. We had a really good time in Seoul! 

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