Dienstag, 31. Januar 2012

Seokguram Grotto - Masterpiece of korean art!


after visiting Bulguska temple we drove on to Seokguram grotto!  I know sounds pretty boring, but it was so impressive! I think Buddha is really everywhere!
And it was so impressive that it was forbidden to take pictures! (I downloaded the one above) But it was still overwhelming! Just perfect!

 In front of the grotto there was a giant bell.... You know what I wanted to do....
Please choose your binocular! ( take the big one )
 Peace out lampignon!

 Here you see that the shrine was build into the mountain again!
 I love to drink from little dragon dogs mouth water!!

And there comes the full bell-photo-love-story!
 First listen....
 Second enjoying the view!
Third preparing!
Fourth: So cool!!!! It was much louder compared to the video!

Bulguksa temple - Surprising pig!

Anjong again!

Our first stop today was Bulguksa temple! I think it is one of the most beautiful temple I have seen in Korea. Maybe because Bulguska has many different items!  

Like this golden pig! We were so surprised seeing it in a little court. 
 Of course this temple had  a park you can walk threw, and of course there was acute little lake... and again it was frozen.

 Entering the main temple you had to pass a huge gate with very cool and colorful wooden statues. I think they were supposed to guard the temple. And they did a great job... he survived over the centuries...

 Look at tiny Julia....

 In the main court there were two pagodas so beautiful...

 Big Bang...

 These stairs killed us!

Now you have a little idea what it was like to visit this huge temple with lots of figures, pigs, fishes turtles and I didn't posted the big bell....  Sometimes you really had to search for the items... And as you noticed we had perfect sight seeing weather!!!

Golguram hermitage - Buddha in a mountain!


after picking a perfect room for us we decided to start our first trip. I wanted to visit the Golguram hermitage. It is a temple in eastern Gyeongju. High in the mountains there is a Buddha chiseled into the stone. I thought you never see something comparable again... 

 On our way to the temple...
 Please use the sidewalk.... we walked during a very long pre sunset to the temple.... So nice weather!

 Arriving at the front gate... which is protected by big bad statues!

 We loved them!
 On the way up to the top we saw lots of stuff.... a Pagoda, a little Buddha with an eye in his belly and a little temple...

 And there you see the glass dome protecting the Buddha, maybe the bad statues are not enough...

 Very exhausting...kkk

 Watch your head!
 And there he is.... so big and beautiful.... and below you see his view... so amazing!

 The hills have eyes....

 Next to the Buddha there was a little shrine build in the rocks... but we had to climb a little as you see above...

 Here I act like the big Buddha... watching the sunset from the mountain!

Was a really cool trip for the first day! We loved to climb up!