Sonntag, 15. Januar 2012

Gyeongju World


this saturday I went with ICEA to an amusement park in Gyeongju. Called Gyeongju World Amusements! So creative!

But first of all... wait for the video at the end!!!

 There was many more than me riding pikachu!!

So, we started again from Dongnae station with the ICEA Bus and arrived about 90min later. When we arrived, I think everybody was a little bit tired, like all weekend... everywhere were tired people...

But after getting the golden ticket the fun got started!

 Here we are in front of the amusement park, waiting for G-1 getting our tickets! And what can we do while waiting for the tickets... right... pictures!

 Here Mina and me got the ticket, like VIP's .... kkk now we get Gin Tonic for free....
 Surprising Kelly while entering...
 And here we go... I have to say that I imagined Koreans amusement parks more cute and more colorful and louder.... I was really surprised, that this park reminded me of european amusement parks... So not really special... It was fun to go through all the attractions and funny houses....  

 This little horse was one of my favorites in the park. It was there to promote the biggest roller coaster  in this area... But you had to wait about two hours for the 2 min ride... so I decided to skip this adrenaline kick... even because I think it is similar to the "Eraser" in Warner Brothers Movie world... But one special thing suprised me... In germany every roller coaster is seperated from every other thing... so you have a fence around every looping and the whole machinery. But over here in Korea the safety is not so important... so you fly above the heads of the other visitors...

 And of course there is another free fall tower in my life... I think it will never end...
 The cutest thing was a little pikachu you can ride and he really moves... like a little Poke-mobile!
 This surprised me really... there was the possibility to luge down a 230m hill. It was really fun... it was the first "real" snow I saw in Korea!

 And there was a little problem... Maiko and the candy sticks....
 Cad and me waiting...
 And there the cute sow begins... wait for the video!!!

 Kelly and me riding another roller coaster! It was pretty hard for me to fit in the wagon... so hard...
 The Tornado was the best ride at that day... it felt like John was back in Korea... so many butterflies in my belly...
 The octopus rocked our live for about 5 min... that was enough to let my fingers freeze...

 During the octopus ride...
Safety first... right?!

And here it is, the video!!!!!!
And that was my first korean amusement park...

1 Kommentar:

  1. die tanzen ja soo cool..das fetzt voll..dagegen kannste die parade im heidepark soltau voll vergessen^^..der airbag is ja auch crazy..aber hauptsache die achterbahnen gehen quer übern park :-D..nach 5 min auf dem krakending hätte ich glaube gekotzt^^
