Sonntag, 1. Januar 2012

Happy New Year!


First of all: Happy New Year!!!

I know, that you guys in germany are still in 2011...kkkk but John and me jumped in 2012 a couple of hours ago!

Like I promoted on facebook we had to challenge our personal New Year marathon. 

First of all we met with Youjung for a last cup of coffee in 2011, we enjoyed relaxed talking in one of her favorite cafes. Afterwards John and me had a "romantic" Mandu-Meal, because John wanted to have some... But when we ordered some noodles with Chop sue in a chinese restaurant there was sea food on the dishes... again.... So john had to eat the noodles by himself... I hate seafood, now even more!!!

Even if John ordered seafood again he got a New Years present....

After dinner we took the subway to Haeundae beach, because I wanted to show John the most popular beach in Busan before he has to leave the city.... So we took a picture and left...

After arriving again in Nampo-Dong we went to the Yongdusan parc. There you can find the 
Busan tower, the city bell 
and some other tourist attractions

But in the new years night they do something pretty special on the hill....

There was kind of concert with "cool" Electro-Rap-Groups, and also kind of a "Blaskapelle". They played the Busan anthem which was pretty cool, because the people around us could sing along...

In the following video you can see a little part of the anthem:

I had to upload the countdown video on youtube, because for this blog it is too long....but it is sooo cool!

Surprise surprise....

 And now there are some random pics celebrating the New Year and getting out of the crowd...kkk

 The dragon died... I think!
And first "lunch" in 2012, tasteful Chili-Honey-Bread! Yummy!!!

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