Dienstag, 10. Januar 2012

Goodbye John!


As you know John is gone for two days now, but his last day we celebrated.... maybe too hard...

John wanted to participate at the ICEA "Ice skating" event (I knew that it will end in a Coju-Night!) so we went with the other guys to the ice rink at Doekcheon station. Like in Shingsegae everybody had to wear a helmet and gloves....So we look pretty uncool...kkk

 I was glad seeing Youjung at the last day of Johns time in Asia, but I missed another person so much... Dawoon is just on the Philippines...grrrr

 I didn't know that John is so good in ice skating... even that he was just the third time in his live... but he did some skating moves I hadn't expected...

 Tiny humans....kkk
 After the skating we went to a restaurant to have Korean BBQ! But on the way we enjoyed the sunset (I think the two of them look pretty nice together...kkk)

 I like this picture so much... happy girl and cool boy... 
 SO we arrived at the first station of the night...Sung Yong stole meat for us all the time.... Nice job!!!

 After a while Dahye joined our table... maybe because of the meat, maybe because of the Coju games...

 Nice picture!
 I think everybody had a wonderful night.... even Leisha, with my hat!!!

 Yum Yum...
 I don't know why I was the loser... but I think John knows..

 THey had so much fun... I will miss the two together....

So I think it was a great last day for John and a great night for all ICEA members!!!!

2 Kommentare:

  1. das bild von john un der kleinen aufn eis..das is ja sooooooooo süüüüzzz..da kriegste ja karies von^^

  2. haha, das ist kelly und sie ist wirklich so cute!
