Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2011

Korean Cupcakes!


today was a big day! We finally found a cupcake store in Busan! John and me went to the hair dresser to get prepared for my birthday tomorrow.... Afterwards we wanted to go and get a coffee... but then we found something like a little treasure!

We found "Cafe goodovening"! Its a really cute, stylish cafe who's speciality are cupcakes! The show cage is (like at "Cupcakes - Berlin") full of very delicious cuppies!
I really wondered if they taste the same as to germany... but they were quiet different, maybe because  I am on the other side of the world, or because they have different ingredients... ( I think second is more logical)

Here you can see the show case with the delicious cakes:

 The cafe has a pretty simple interior, what I really like! Because you can concentrate on your cake with all your senses!!!

 Yummy!!! Mine is the white one... John took the pink one.... Johns was better... it was filled with jam and the cake was pink too!!!

This packaging was completely new to me... But so clever, because the topping wont get hurt!!!! Go go go!!! It was a little bit of Friedrichshain here in Busan!

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