Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2011

The war memorial of korea - Seoul!


today was Johns first official tourist tour! Yes, he had to visit the big war memorial in Seoul!

And it is so outstanding! Its kind of whole korean history... because there was nearly always a war....

You can see everything from the early wars till the cold war in 1950-1953! Of course were the weapons, jets, tanks and helicotper the most interesting!

Lets start!

Johnny standing outside... normally there is water... but they are under reconstruction...

 Eye of the...

 Here you see Captain safety!!!
 Future soldier!
 Bang Bang!!!
 Its so cool, maybe he eats the adverse soldiers...
 Entrance hall...

 I liked this installation very much! John and me threw 100Won inside, maybe we are now korean soldiers...
 Old generals...

 Old ramp boat!

 From now on you see our lives as korean soldiers, presenting different models of arms:

It was really cool! Afterwards we were so exhausted, because its so huge!
Ps: Entrance is for free...

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