Freitag, 16. Dezember 2011

Korean vs German Sex!


I think I have to tell u guys something about the difference between Germany and Korea!

But honestly I dont know where to start...

In germany it is usual to talk about sex. About your experiences and about your phantasies. On a sexual level germany is very open minded. I just have to think about all the stories from Lindas former pharmacy or the stories of Sandras former boss.

Most of my friends got told about the birds and the bees before our school program could start telling us.

I remember the day I first heard the word "Titten" (engl: tits). We got new social study books in the fourth grade. On page 37 there were a naked boy and a naked girl.... of course every kid opened that page and started to laugh... I thought I was very enlightened in sexuality at that time....

My teacher reacted pretty cool. She said, ok if you wanna discuss the human body, lets do it. So she asked about the male and female genitals... and a very rude guy shouted: "Girls have tits!!" And I was like... o my god... what are tits.... I thought they have a vagina and boobies.... Today I know better than at the age of nine.....

I think in Korea such a situation is pretty utopian, because the kids get no information about sex or even sexuality.

I can't judge any society about  their relationship towards sexuality... In germany most of the clever guys and girls know how to be responsible towards their partner, contraception and sexual diseases. But on the other hand everybody knows the stupid kids called teenage mothers/fathers.....

In the korean society sex is pretty under the radar. There are no boobs in commercials or in the movies. I think thats the reason why "Spartacus" ( an american tv show) is so beloved over here...

Talking about sex over here is every time like playing with fire, because you don't know where and when it is okay and in which situation you are impolite... But with your friends in a closed room there is no problem.
The behavior over here is quiet the opposite like in germany. There are no teenage parents, but on the other hand I think there is a need in talking about the birds and the bees.

I dont know, maybe I upset now some of my korean friends.... but I hope that its ok.

Another big difference is the place where you have sex. In germany you can bring your girlfriend or boyfriend to your parents house. And of course everybody knows, that it is possible, that you two have sex in your room. But in korea there are specialized places, called MT(motel)...kkkk.... you can bring your partner to be private. I heard that the rooms are like small living rooms and one CD (condom) is for free!
One day I wanna rent a room and make this special experience...kkk

So, because of these huge differences I thought about "Korean-Sex-Shops"...

I wondered if there are sex shops at all. I asked my friend google and he told me that there a few shops in Busan. So I packed my bag to visit one. Google told me, that there is one in the Sukdeung area.

I went there with a pretty queasy feeling... When I finally saw the google described sign I was very exited and went to the second floor. But there was nothing special about the Korean sex shop. I think they really imported most of the stuff from europe. On some products was even german writings...

but here is the picture I took from the pretty sign:

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